The Top 3 Things That You Can Do For Seborrheic Eczema or Seborrhea Dermatitis

Mon, Jun 14, 2021

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The Top 3 Things That You Can Do For Seborrheic Eczema or Seborrhea Dermatitis

Seborrheic Dermatitis is a scalp condition that presents itself many different ways including but not limited to scalp peeling, waxy buildup on the head and also in the hair. It can and often does have a crystallized or hardened sebum buildup that can be down inside the hair follicle or can be over the opening referred to as scalp plugs. If these cover the skin pores that they are referred to as sebum plugs and cause conditions like skin breakouts and also seborrheic acne.  It can cause a lot of conditions similar to a bad or severe dandruff with the itching, flaking, raised red patches that often have intense itching associated with the areas. These patches can be general in nature and all over the head or they can be spot specific such at the hair line or on the back of the head or crown of the head.  It can also occur anywhere on the face especially the creases around the nose, side of the lips, behind the ears, eyebrows and seborrhea is often found in the beard or on the cheeks.

Many people Refer to it as Seborrheic Eczema also. People that have dandruff conditions and an oily scalp or greasy hair most likely have some form of seborrheic dermatitis.


Here Are The Top 3 Things That You Can Do For Seborrheic Eczema or Dermatitis On the Scalp or Face:

1)Use A Mineral Scalp Scrub (can also be used on the face or arms, chest )to get rid of sebum plugs or skin and scalp congestion. The abrasion or exfoliation that the scrub gives is second to none at removing buildup on the external part of the hair follicle.  ( search Mineral Scalp Scrub )

2) Use Very Specific Herbs Found in Some Shampoos and Conditioners that will help to remove the remainder of the buildup in the sebum plugs or clogged hair follicles from inside the pores. This is vital since this is where the fungus and bacteria and reproducing from and they are what is causing the symptoms that you are getting.  (shampoo Zincplex)

3) Drastically Cut Down Sugar and Milk in your diet. These two culprits feed the primary fungus that is associated with the fungus that is causing the scalp itching and flaking. The fungi also mix with the scalp oils to cause the super hardened sebum that plugs the scalp pores. Controlling the fungus with diet can prevent large breakouts and get rid of severe symptoms very fast. You will read many different Seborrheic Dermatitis Diet plans but reducing and at times almost eliminating these two things will bring a lot of visual and symptom relief.

These 3 things are the best that anyone can offer. How do I know. I had suffered with all the waxy white scalp gunk and build up that can often lead to a smelly scalp especially when mixed with sweat. I had the breakouts that were pretty severe and ended up with scalp sores that bleed and scalp scabs. The scabs itched so bad that I would begin picking scalp scabs so that they did not heal. Often times the scalp sores were open and bleeding on the back of the head. But now I do not have this problem!  The 3 things listed above are why.